10 Resolutions For 2019

10 Resolutions for 2019- Life of Alley

Right before the start of a new year, I sit down and make a list of things I would like to work on for the new year. As an entrepreneur, it’s very important to create a road map of goals for the year. Creating a vision board and selecting a focus word each year has helped my business tremendously.

For 2019, my word is, BALANCE. I am a huge believer of the power of your subconscious mind and physically putting together lists and a vision are ways I get myself in the right mindset.

10 Resolutions for 2019- life of alley

Top 10 Resolutions for 2019:

  1. Creating a work and home schedule- Having a schedule and sticking to it as best as possible will help with having more balance with work and home.
  2. Training and running a road race(s)- I have run races for years- half marathons, a full marathon and even ran a Ragnar race (200miles). Would like to do one or two races this year
  3. Meal Planning More– so that I don’t skip meals and eat healthier
  4. Saying NO- I get pulled in a lot of different directions daily. I am getting better at saying NO but need to stick with it this year
  5. Now, that I’m “officially” a business- I want to continue to grow and have big dreams and visions for where Life of Alley is heading. Speaking events, podcast, e-book
  6. Hiring an assistant- this is a role where I need someone I can trust who is also fun and creative.
  7. Not holding back- as much with my feelings, opinions, along with my creative approach
  8. Getting more bold- in the content I create and not being afraid of what others may think. I have been playing it safe and would like to shake things up a bit
  9. Connecting with my readers- I don’t want my relationships to be about the links/products I share. I want it to go way deeper
  10. Travel More- I need more adventure in my life!!

If you would like to see what I wrote last year (2018) click HERE



“sharing glimmers of love & inspiration through home, style & the every day”

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10 Resolutions for 2019- Life of Alley

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