Helpful Tips to Finding Your Girl Tribe

Helpful Tips to Finding Your Girl Tribe Houston bloggers

Finding good support is not as easy as it seems. It takes time. You definitely have to weed through some people before you find a supportive group that has your best interest at heart. After years of research, I don’t have the perfect equation but I do have some helpful tips to finding your girl tribe.

Helpful Tips to Finding Your Girl Tribe Toasting Drinks

Helpful Tips to Consider

Like Minded There is beauty in difference but when you share common interests it can connect you and also help keep you accountable. For example: Like a workout buddy or a friend that is equally as driven as you are with work. A similar mind set can make for a great friendship.

Respect- Each one of us lives our life in a certain way. No two people live it exactly the same. Someone who can respect your differences, life, goals and dreams can add incredible value to your life.

Helpful Tips to Finding Your Girl Tribe

Understanding– Life happens. Individuals that demand certain things from you can be draining and stressful. Sounds silly, but you don’t want someone coming down on you for not responding to a call or text fast enough (unless it’s an emergency).

Privacy– Friendships are a wonderful way to share life with one another BUT that doesn’t necessarily mean you lose all privacy because of it. Respecting a friend’s privacy shows maturity and value in their life.

Encouraging– We all have good and bad days. Having solid friends that build you up, support and push you is truly a gift to have in life. Encouragement is vital to a healthy life during good and bad times.

Helpful Tips to Finding your Girl Tribe Houston Bloggers

Finding a great girl tribe does take time but when you do, they will support you in a way that will allow you to grow, develop and help you shine bright.

Your success will bring them joy and inspiration.

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Hope you enjoyed my helpful tips to finding your girl tribe.

Much Love,

“sharing glimmers of love & inspiration through home, style & the every day”

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PHOTOS BY: Arzu Vargas Photography

LOCATION: Emmaline

Helpful Tips to Finding your Girl Tribe

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