How To Let Go: 5 Things You Can Start Doing Now

May 2022

It’s a common phrase, “Let go and move on” but how does one really do that?

We all know how difficult life can be at times. Plus we all process things differently. Over the last few years, I’ve learned a few things that I like to share with you that has been helpful on this journey of letting go and letting things be. It hasn’t been easy but I have gained a new sense of freedom, confidence, and peace from doing the 5 things below.

Make The Decision To Let Go

First, you need to make the conscious decision to let go of whatever it is you are holding on to. This may seem like a no-brainer but it’s a vital step. Tell yourself. Write it on a post-it and stick it on your mirror. Make a vision board. Whatever you can do to remind yourself that you are on a mission of letting go. Read daily affirmations or powerful quotes that are wonderful in feeding your mind with impactful words. All of these things will add to your journey of finding peace from something that either hurt, devastated, or disappointed you.

Saying Goodbye

It’s OK to let go of people, places, and things. You don’t have to hold onto everything in your life. Not everyone or everything is meant to last forever. Sometimes people or things are only meant to be in your life for a season. It’s ok to say this is no longer serving me and moving from it. Cutting ties doesn’t mean it was something negative. It can also mean it was time for you to evolve and grow.

Say Sorry To Yourself

We are often so willing to forgive others so quickly yet we sometimes can’t show that same type of grace to ourselves. Forgiving yourself for the decisions that you made, the direction you took things or having regrets is part of learning how to let go. Being able to recognize where you were once and where you would like to move forward in the future is a vital step. Forgiving yourself, just like you would forgive others is super important. Give yourself the same love, if not more, than you would give others.

If You Are Not Fine, You Are Not Fine

I see this a lot with parents (myself included) with their children. A child will get hurt and we sometimes say, “Brush it off”, “You are totally fine”, or “Oh that’s nothing”. Looking at those moments it conditions us to think that when we are not fine we need to suppress/pretend that we are. Not allowing our emotions to flow as they should is not healthy for our emotional well-being. Living authentically and allowing yourself the space and time to process and express your feelings is important. Honor your emotions. Express them when necessary. Suppressing them won’t do you any good. Give yourself permission to talk about it if you need to.

Yellow Romper/Bucket Hat/ Sneakers/ Necklace

Take Good Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is NOT a luxury. It’s VITAL to your health and your personal development. A strong mind and body help you to go through life with a more positive perspective. It also gives you the understanding of knowing the importance of giving to yourself and giving yourself the things that bring you joy and fulfill you. Now, this can be a very tricky balancing act between self-care vs being selfish. You do need to consider your own personal life situation and making room for appropriate balance is key.

The wonderful part about letting go is you allow certain things to come into your life when you create that space for new people, things, or places to be a part of your life where these other things once took up space. There’s such positivity in letting go because you’re allowing so many new things to come into your life.

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